ALRANZ can’t answer a simple question on late term abortions…

ALRANZ can’t answer a simple question on late term abortions…

ALRANZ’s American abortion lobbyist (linked to the atrocious Planned Parenthood) could not answer a simple question on Newstalk ZB last night about late term abortions… “…um.. ah..giggle… i don’t accept your framing of the question… ” But then the classic statement – “viability happens at birth”. Even Andrew Little would disagree with that. And so…

Support for Heartbeat Determining Rights Of Unborn – Poll

Support for Heartbeat Determining Rights Of Unborn – Poll

Media Release 3 May 2019 A poll has found strong support for the unborn child having human rights and being legally protected once a heartbeat is detected (which can be between 6–12 weeks), and only a small minority thinking that life doesn’t begin until the child is born. In the independent poll by Curia Market Research of…

Rachael Wong: Recognising the end of pregnancy in cases of abortion and miscarriage

Rachael Wong: Recognising the end of pregnancy in cases of abortion and miscarriage

NZ Herald 30 April 2019 Family First Comment: “It is because planned or unplanned, abortion or miscarriage, women in both situations have suffered the loss of a child and need time to grieve that loss.” Rachael Wong is speaking at our Forum on the Family in July. Frances Everard argued that providing bereavement leave after…

Detailed images of baby heart inside the womb

Detailed images of baby heart inside the womb

BBC News 23 March 2019 Family First Comment: Superb technology, life-saving technology – but at 21 weeks, the unborn child may not be allowed to live if the Government adopts the recommendations of the Law Commission! Shocking. #TakeMyHandNotMyLife Watch how the foetus jumps around the inside the womb in MRI scan footage See the…

Labor promises free abortions, pushes to decriminalise procedure in federal election pitch (Australia)

Labor promises free abortions, pushes to decriminalise procedure in federal election pitch (Australia)

ABC News 6 March 2019 Family First Comment: Labour – the party of death in Australia… “A federal Labor government would REQUIRE public hospitals to offer termination services as part of their Commonwealth funding arrangement.” #chooselife #takemyhandnotmylife Taxpayer-funded abortions will be offered in public hospitals as part of an election pledge to be outlined by Labor…

FACT: Late-Term Abortions Are Never Medically Necessary

FACT: Late-Term Abortions Are Never Medically Necessary

The Federalist 26 February 2019 Family First Comment: “Defending New York’s late-term abortion law as necessary to protect maternal and fetal health is disingenuous, if not downright dishonest. There is no situation in which late abortion is the only, or even the best, solution to a maternal or fetal health crisis.” #chooselife For babies with abnormalities,…

US Democrats block Republican ‘Born-Alive’ anti-abortion bill

US Democrats block Republican ‘Born-Alive’ anti-abortion bill

Stuff 26 February 2019  The US Senate has voted to block consideration of a measure that would punish any doctor who fails to provide medical care to a ‘child born alive’ after an attempted abortion. All but three Democrats voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, denying it the…