Parents fear more disability terminations: ‘We were under immense pressure to have genetic counselling’

Parents fear more disability terminations: ‘We were under immense pressure to have genetic counselling’

Radio NZ News 19 September 2019 Family First Comment: In 2017 the prime minister promised abortion changes would not include removing the gestational limit of 20 weeks for an abortion on the grounds of disability. The Abortion Legislation Bill would allow abortion on the grounds of the woman’s well-being after 20 weeks, on the approval of…

This is the World’s ‘Most Premature Baby Ever’, Born at 21 Weeks

This is the World’s ‘Most Premature Baby Ever’, Born at 21 Weeks

Mum Central 10 November 2017  The term ‘premature labour’ is terrifying to hear at any time during pregnancy, but at just 21 weeks a positive outcome is extremely unlikely. But a Texas family is proving that this is not always the case. Doctors prepared Courtney Stensrud for the worst when her baby girl was born…

Late-term abortions dominated debate at first hearing on new law

Late-term abortions dominated debate at first hearing on new law

Stuff 17 September 2019 Family First Comment: “The Abortion Legislation Bill would make late term abortions considerably more accessible than they are under the current law – currently it’s only available for exceptional circumstances – threat to life of mother or foetal abnormality. Polling Family First had commissioned showed very little support for abortions at…

More than 2000 fetal remains found at home of former abortion doctor

More than 2000 fetal remains found at home of former abortion doctor

TVNZ One News 15 September 2019 Family First Comment: This is one of the reasons you have a Crimes Act. More than 2000 medically preserved fetal remains have been found at the Illinois home of a former Indiana abortion clinic doctor who died last week, authorities said. The Will County Sheriff’s Office said in a news…

10 Celebrities Who Were Conceived By Rape or Bore a Child Out of Rape

10 Celebrities Who Were Conceived By Rape or Bore a Child Out of Rape

Tinseltown Mom 21 May 2019 Family First Comment: “I believe God put me here for a reason: to inspire people, to encourage them, to give them hope that everything is possible and you can’t let your circumstances define your life.” Valerie Gatto, Miss Pennsylvania 2014, conceived by rape. Rape is a tragedy no person should have…

The Reality of 2nd Trimester Surgical Abortions – Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

The Reality of 2nd Trimester Surgical Abortions – Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

BEFORE YOU DEFEND ABORTION, BE SURE TO UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT YOU’RE DEFENDING…     (WARNING: Some parts of this presentation may be upsetting to viewers. Viewer discretion advised.) Dr Norman MacLean NZOM performed up to 200 abortions very early in his medical career, but stopped after a year of performing them, and never performed another…

Why I Stopped Performing Abortions – An Interview with Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

Why I Stopped Performing Abortions – An Interview with Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

Hear the truth about the reality of abortion including late term abortions, the risks and harms of abortion to the mother, the importance of the heartbeat, foetal pain, the age of viability, and NZ’s close connection to operative procedures performed on the unborn child during pregnancy. Dr Norman MacLean qualified in medicine at the Otago…