Bernard Moran: How the “Born Alive” rule stymies legal protection of preborn babies

Bernard Moran: How the “Born Alive” rule stymies legal protection of preborn babies

I guess many people wonder why Parliament cannot pass a law recognising a preborn baby as a unique human person. The “Born Alive” rule stands in the way. A lawyer once explained to me that the rule is “settled” in western Parliamentary common law and NZ alone can’t dispense with it. The Born Alive rule…

US Supreme Court takes up major challenge to abortion rights

US Supreme Court takes up major challenge to abortion rights

NewsHub 18 May 2021 Family First Comment: Superb! “In the Roe v. Wade decision, subsequently reaffirmed in 1992, the court said that states could not ban abortion before the viability of the fetus outside the womb, which is generally viewed by doctors as between 24 and 28 weeks. (yeah right!) The Mississippi law would ban abortion…

Planned Parenthood disavows its founder (but not abortion)

Planned Parenthood disavows its founder (but not abortion)

BioEdge 25 April 2021 Family First Comment: Still a racist and dangerous organisation – irresepective of their new virtue signalling “Nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are located within walking distance of neighborhoods occupied predominantly by black and Hispanic residents. Despite constituting only 13 percent of the female population, black women represent more than one-third of…

Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure

Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure

ReMix 15 April 2021 Family First Comment: What’s most interesting about this very very sad story is that we couldn’t find any mainstream media reporting of it – and definitely not on the ALRANZ website….. “radical pro-abortion supporter Maria de Valle Gonzalez Lopez died during what she labeled her “dream” abortion operation. She was 23 years…

FAMILY MATTERS: Research & Experience Confirm The Harms Of Abortion

FAMILY MATTERS: Research & Experience Confirm The Harms Of Abortion

The common narrative we hear from supporters of abortion – all of whom ironically are not at any risk of abortion themselves – is that abortion is a simple medical procedure, involves only the pregnant woman, and that life resumes as normal once the abortion has taken place. Nothing to see here. Well, actually, there’s…

Permanently legalising home abortions is a terrible idea

Permanently legalising home abortions is a terrible idea

The Telegraph 8 December 2020 Family First Comment: Disturbing reading from the UK where ‘home abortions’ have also been authorised (similar to NZ)… “Freedom of Information (FOI) requests have revealed the aftermath from the pills-by-post process to include sepsis, hemorrhaging, embolisms, renal failure and trauma to pelvic organs, among other medical complications. A lack of adequate…