News & Media Releases
Three-person baby ‘race’ dangerous
BBC News 12 October 2016 Family First Comment: The warnings are clear – “They are ignoring ongoing policy debates and conducting dangerous and socially fraught experiments on mothers and children. And they appear to be actively seeking a media splash on the way down. Use of these biologically extreme procedures for infertility is based purely
Celebrating a pro-life saint
Mother Teresa, famous for her work with the extreme poor in India, has become a household name, synonymous with selflessness, goodness and charity. But not everyone knows that Mother Teresa was a GIANT in the fight for life. In 1994, Mother Teresa addressed the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. In attendance were (then)
EXCELLENT – Queensland abortion bill rejected
Queensland rejects bill to decriminalise abortion Stuff 30 August 2016 Family First Comment: Great decision. And NZ will do likewise. But it’s amusing reading the bias of the reporter. #chooselife #prowomen After 1400 submission, scores of expert appearances and public hearings, Queensland’s Parliamentary inquiry into abortion law reform has rejected a bill to decriminalise
Woman sues after botched termination leads to motherhood
Stuff 25 August 2016 Family First Comment: How very sad. “The woman is also seeking an unspecified amount for pain and suffering she has experienced, including depression and psychological trauma.” I think it may be the son who grows up and reads this article that will suffer far far more. But I’m sure he
Hillary Clinton: Abortion Extremist
While the media is busy taking a joke Donald Trump made at a rally over a crying baby into national news, they are avoiding any reporting on Hillary Clinton’s abortion extremism. Hillary Clinton’s stance in favor of abortion rights is pretty well-known, but do you know just how extreme she is? American Values Action is
Hillary’s Law is now Ariana’s Campaign
As you will be aware, the rights of parents to care for their daughters was undermined recently when a petition calling for parental notification for teenage abortions (Hillary’s Law) was rejected by a select committee. MPs voted to keep parents in the dark. Of most concern was that this decision was based in part on
Father outraged son was prescribed antibiotics at school without parents’ knowledge
NewsTalk ZB 2 August 2016 Family First Comment: Dear Dad You are right to be outraged. But the politicians have already excluded parents from decisions around a daughter going on contraception or having an abortion. We’re glad that the Principal of this school believes you should have been consulted. So do we. A Bay of
The Most Important Question About Abortion
Aug 17, 2015 Is abortion right, or is it wrong? It’s the big question that’s lost in a societal debate that’s mostly focused on legality. But, really, whether it’s right or wrong is the most important question about abortion.
DNC Speaker Shouts Her Abortion ….. and the Crowd Cheers
Weekly Standard 27 July 2016 Family First Comment: Unbelievable! The US Democrat Party is without doubt the party of death – and unashamed of it. It’s ironic that not one of the Democratic supporters of abortion (including Hillary) has been a victim of it!
Poll Finds Americans Strongly Support Abortion Restrictions 25 July 2016 Family First Comment: Clinton has been unabashed in her support of abortion, recently promising Planned Parenthood that she would work to repeal the Hyde Amendment and increase tax dollars for abortion, and that GOP Vice Presidential nominee, Mike Pence would risk women’s health because of his pro-life views. However, based on
Teen abortions: “I would be mortified if it was my child and I wasn’t told”- Toni Street
TVNZ Seven Sharp 8 July 2016 Family First Comment: Toni is right on the money – support families first, but have provision for the small number of exceptional cases where parents are part of the problem. “Disappointed for Hillary Kieft this week. She’s the mum who’s fighting for it to be mandatory for parents to
Mum who petitioned for abortion law change won’t give up
NewsTalk ZB 8 July 2016 Family First Comment: Good. Neither will we The mother who petitioned to make it mandatory for parents to know if their children under 16 have an abortion, has pledged not to give up. Hilary Kieft’s 15-year-old daughter had an abortion at boarding school, but Ms Kieft didn’t find out about