News & Media Releases
What should happen to a couple’s embryos after they split up?
Stuff 15 April 2016 Family First Comment: Facing the reality of the problems with IVF… “In a split decision, five of the seven (UK) Judges ruled in (the father’s) favour and ordered that the embryos be destroyed. They expressed great sympathy for (the mother) but concluded that the couple had only consented to IVF
Family search for justice after unborn baby killed in accident
TV3 Story 29 March 2016 Family First Comment: The inconvenient truth (and shocking lack of legal recognition and protection) of a child that exists but just hasn’t been born yet. Note how the media try to mitigate the real message by using the word ‘foetus’! “Charges relating to the death of a foetus can only
Florida cuts funding to clinics that provide abortions
NewsHub 26 March 2016 Family First Comment: Superb work. Why should the taxpayer fund it!? Florida Governor Rick Scott has signed a law that cuts off state funding for preventive health services to clinics providing abortion and imposes abortion restrictions already being tested before the US Supreme Court. Florida is among many states adopting new
World Down Syndrome Day: ‘How Do You See Me?’ video highlights prejudice surrounding condition
Let’s change the way we look at people with Down syndrome. AnnaRose is a nineteen year old from NJ. She’s a full time college student who works part-time at a physical therapy center and enjoys basketball and swimming through the Special Olympics NJ. AnnaRose, as many people with Down syndrome, only wants to realize her
Girls Just Want to Be Born
Public Discourse 8 March 2016 Family First Comment: Speaking of International Women’s Day, here’s the REAL issue……. The global pro-life movement will continue to speak out and defend the girl child. We must work to oppose all acts of gender based violence, protect women’s and girls’ lives, and seek consistent non-discriminatory life-affirming laws and policies.
He performed 1,200 abortions. Watch animations of the procedure.
LifeSiteNews 24 February 2016 Family First Comment: This former abortionist wants you to see what abortion really looks like “Although the website eschews the use of gore or “graphic images,” Lila Rose said she believes depictions of aborted children can help end abortion, something she likens to the abolitionist movement’s use of images of overstuffed
Australian mother wants law to protect unborn babies
Stuff 4 February 2016 Days before Australian woman Sarah Milosevic was due to give birth to her daughter, a drunk driver crashed into her car and shattered her world. Her unborn baby, to be named Sophie, didn’t survive the crash. The driver responsible for the 2014 crash at Logan, south of Brisbane, was in
Ironic. Obama helps the pro-life cause in US
Checking out the Knight Life Family Research Council 19 January 2016 It may be the most radical abortion president in history who’s creating the biggest pro-life swing in America. Apparently, the last seven years of President Obama’s extreme policy has done more to change people’s minds on life than anything could. Under this administration, Americans
European Parliament condemns surrogacy
LifeSiteNews 18 December 2015 The European Parliament has condemned surrogate motherhood, even as it is being offered in Europe for $37,500. The Parliament adopted a resolution condemning “the practice of surrogacy, which undermines the human dignity of the woman since her body and its reproductive functions are used as a commodity.” The resolution continues, “The
ISIS orders killing of kids with Down’s Syndrome in latest sickening attack on the innocent
Mirror 14 December 2015 Vile ISIS terror thugs have issued a fatwa to kill babies and children with Down’s Syndrome, it has been reported. Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye says the ISIS Shar’ia Board issued a savage “oral fatwa (an Islamic term for a religious decree)” to its members authorising them to “kill newborn babies
Dad demands abortion after surrogate learns she’s having triplets
Fox News 25 November 2015 A man who paid a surrogate to have his baby became overwhelmed when he learned she was having triplets — and demanded the woman abort one of the fetuses while threatening her with financial ruin, she claims. “They are human beings. I bonded with these kids. This is just not right,”
Breast-Feeding Is Good for Mothers, Not Just Babies, Studies Suggest
New York Times 23 November 2015 Breast milk may provide the ideal nourishment for an infant, but two recent studies are putting a different spin on the bottle-versus-breast debate, suggesting it is mothers, and not just babies, who may have much to gain from breast-feeding. One study found that breast-feeding may help protect women from