‘Unplanned’ Movie Lands in NZ – Amidst Abortion Debate

‘Unplanned’ Movie Lands in NZ – Amidst Abortion Debate

Media Release 16 September 2019 The ‘Unplanned’ movie is here and Family First has secured one of the first screenings in New Zealand Monday 16th. ‘Unplanned’ brings an eye-opening look inside the abortion industry from a woman who was once its most passionate advocate. All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As…

Ex-Abortionist’s Testimony Impacts Abortion Debate

Ex-Abortionist’s Testimony Impacts Abortion Debate

Media Release 9 September 2019 An 17-minute interview with a New Zealand ex-abortionist has had over 123,000 views in a fortnight, and an explanation of second trimester surgical abortions has had over 210,000 Facebook views in just one week. Dr Norman MacLean qualified in medicine at the Otago Medical School 50 years ago. He practiced…

10 Celebrities Who Were Conceived By Rape or Bore a Child Out of Rape

10 Celebrities Who Were Conceived By Rape or Bore a Child Out of Rape

Tinseltown Mom 21 May 2019 Family First Comment: “I believe God put me here for a reason: to inspire people, to encourage them, to give them hope that everything is possible and you can’t let your circumstances define your life.” Valerie Gatto, Miss Pennsylvania 2014, conceived by rape. Rape is a tragedy no person should have…

Pros and Cons Of “All-Time Low” Fertility Rate – Report

Pros and Cons Of “All-Time Low” Fertility Rate – Report

Media Release 30 August 2019 New Zealand’s total fertility rate has reached an all-time low, with an average of 1.71 children per woman in New Zealand, well below population replacement level. “Families: Ever Fewer or No Children, How Worried Should We Be?“ – a new report from Family First NZ –  looks at the reasons…

The Reality of 2nd Trimester Surgical Abortions – Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

The Reality of 2nd Trimester Surgical Abortions – Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

BEFORE YOU DEFEND ABORTION, BE SURE TO UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT YOU’RE DEFENDING…     (WARNING: Some parts of this presentation may be upsetting to viewers. Viewer discretion advised.) Dr Norman MacLean NZOM performed up to 200 abortions very early in his medical career, but stopped after a year of performing them, and never performed another…

Why I Stopped Performing Abortions – An Interview with Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

Why I Stopped Performing Abortions – An Interview with Dr Norman MacLean NZOM

Hear the truth about the reality of abortion including late term abortions, the risks and harms of abortion to the mother, the importance of the heartbeat, foetal pain, the age of viability, and NZ’s close connection to operative procedures performed on the unborn child during pregnancy. Dr Norman MacLean qualified in medicine at the Otago…

Rachael Wong – Abortion won’t stop violence

Rachael Wong – Abortion won’t stop violence

The Australian August 2019 Family First Comment: “How does abortion help a woman experiencing domestic violence? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t… It is deeply disturbing that abortion is being framed as a solution for women who are experiencing domestic violence. When a woman is violently attacked while walking alone at night, those who suggest that women should…