Home abortions are dangerous for women: here’s ten reasons why

Home abortions are dangerous for women: here’s ten reasons why

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children 11 July 2018 Family First Comment: Compulsory reading for anyone who is concerned for the health and wellbeing of women… www.chooselife.nz Here are ten reasons why allowing the abortion pill to be taken at home is dangerous and must be opposed. 1. Complications for medical abortion are common…

President Donald Trump: Unborn Babies Have a “Basic and Fundamental Human Right, the Right to Life”

President Donald Trump: Unborn Babies Have a “Basic and Fundamental Human Right, the Right to Life”

LifeNews 28 June 2018 Family First Comment: What a refreshing contrast to the previous President, and to the alternate candidate Hillary Clinton! “We all have a duty to defend the most basic and fundamental human right — the right to life. As President I am dedicated to protecting the lives of every American including the…

Ian Bassett: Abortion reformers need to explain why it should not be a crime

Ian Bassett: Abortion reformers need to explain why it should not be a crime

NZ Herald 28 June 2018 Family First Comment: And this is the key question… “The Minister of Justice Andrew Little has stated that the Government wants the abortion law to be treated “as a health issue”. Various recent media articles repeat the theme that “abortion should be taken out of the Crimes Act”, without attempting…

Significant Interest in Abortion Law Review

Significant Interest in Abortion Law Review

Media Release 20 June 2018 According to information received from the Law Commission by Family First under the Official Information Act, the Law Commission has received almost 3,500 submissions regarding the abortion law review. 58 submissions were from organisations and the remaining 3,360 were from individuals / families. “This is a very strong response given…

Teen abortion rates declining amid small rise national trend

Teen abortion rates declining amid small rise national trend

Stuff co.nz 19 June 2018 Family First Comment: “The rate will continue to drop as knowledge of the prenatal development of the unborn child increases, and as an increasingly pro-life younger generation become parents themselves,” spokeswoman Marina Young said. “:The ‘bunch of cells’ argument which has driven the right-to-abortion argument is now just ‘flat-earth science’.”…

One in Three Pregnant Teens Keep Abortion A Secret

One in Three Pregnant Teens Keep Abortion A Secret

Media Release 20 June 2018 SELECT COMMITTEE AND ABORTION SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE MISLED PUBLIC Family First NZ says that official statistics now collected on parental notification for teenage abortions show that a third of girls aged under 16 who have an abortion don’t tell their parents. This is in complete contradiction to what the Select Committee…