Ethical Case for Abolishing all Forms of Surrogacy

Ethical Case for Abolishing all Forms of Surrogacy

StopSurrogacyNow November 2017 Family First Comment: The NZ Herald is currently pushing this issue without a countering view. Here’s one (of many)…. “Scientific studies prove that maternal-neonate separation in the crucial months after birth disturbs the baby’s heart rate and sleep and other biological systems, predisposing the child to difficulties later in life which can…

‘I am a mass murderer,’ former abortionist tells Congress

‘I am a mass murderer,’ former abortionist tells Congress

LifeSiteNews 2 November 2017 Family First Comment: The comments of Dr. Kathi Aultman, a board certified Ob/Gyn and a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists “I love to meet adults that I delivered, but it’s always bittersweet because I am reminded of all the people I will never meet because I aborted…

New Labour-led Government should protect women and their unborn children

New Labour-led Government should protect women and their unborn children

Media Release -Voice for Life 20 October 2017 Family First Comment: “When people talk of ‘decriminalisation’, they usually mean liberalising the practice of abortion. Overseas, ‘decriminalisation’ has seen abortions performed under unsafe and unsanitary conditions, increased abortions of babies with disabilities, and increasing numbers of abortions in the second and third trimesters – abortions that…

Only 7 out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy

Only 7 out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy

Is the United States one of seven countries that ‘allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy?’ Washington Post 2 October 2017 Family First Comment: Interesting – the media are forced to admit that Trump was right  🙂 Fortunately, NZ is NOT one of the 7 countries – yet! The Facts The source of this…

AUSA Protects Young Nats, But Not ProLife Group

AUSA Protects Young Nats, But Not ProLife Group

Media Release 12 October 2017 Family First NZ says that in the latest bizarre twist in the debacle covering the Auckland University Students Association’s (AUSA) attempt to disaffiliate the student club Prolife Auckland, a similar attempt to disaffiliate the Young Nats has been blocked by the AUSA. In the latest round of Referenda questions for…