Labour leader Jacinda Ardern tackles ‘smear campaign’ on abortion stance

Labour leader Jacinda Ardern tackles ‘smear campaign’ on abortion stance

NZ Herald 11 September 2017 Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says she’s the victim of a deliberate misinformation campaign about her stance on abortion. The question of where she drew the line was raised during her interview on this morning’s Newstalk ZB leaders breakfast segment with Larry Williams. Family First NZ’s Bob McCoskrie asked if Ardern…

Narelle Henson: Jacinda, I can’t vote for you

Narelle Henson: Jacinda, I can’t vote for you

Stuff 8 September 2017 Family First Comment: The momentum starts to build against Jacinda’s abortion ‘policy’…… “You talked about choice on Monday night, Ardern. But if abortion involves ending the life of another human being, I can’t vote for you. Like the child, I would have no choice.” #chooselife #ImForBoth OPINION: I would like…

Rodney Hide: Jacinda Ardern’s abortion view jarring

Rodney Hide: Jacinda Ardern’s abortion view jarring

NZ Herald 10 September 2017 Family First Comment: Even Rodney Hide understands our concerns…. “In the leader’s debate she was resolute on abortion. She declared her Government would remove abortion from the Crimes Act. The following morning she stepped back a little, accepting the vote would be a conscience one, not a government decree. Such…

Jacinda’s Position on Abortion Law Still Unclear For Voters

Jacinda’s Position on Abortion Law Still Unclear For Voters

Media Release 11 Sep 2017 Family First NZ is still calling on specifics of what Labour leader Jacinda Ardern is proposing for New Zealand’s abortion laws, and is concerned that she misunderstands the law as it stands. At the Newstalk ZB’s Leaders Breakfast this morning, National Director Bob McCoskrie’s question was put to her: “Law…

Labour Needs To Tell Disability Groups & Voters Their Specific Abortion Policy

Labour Needs To Tell Disability Groups & Voters Their Specific Abortion Policy

Media Release 8 Sep 2017 Family First NZ is calling on the Labour party to disclose to voters and concerned disability groups like Saving Downs the exact details of what they’re proposing around the liberalisation of abortion. “Labour have been quick to reject justified concerns of groups like Saving Downs, but have completely failed to…