More dodgy research that TRIES to deny abortion harms – but fails!

More dodgy research that TRIES to deny abortion harms – but fails!

Pro-life experts skewer methodology of study that denied post-abortion depression LifeSiteNews 21 December 2016 Family First Comment: More advocacy ‘research’ that should be binned. Beware of research that goes against common sense and the overwhelming weight of evidence already presented. #abortionharmswomen Eager to prove that abortion is harmless to mothers and informed consent warnings are…

Justice Minister Amy Adams rejects calls for abortion reform

Justice Minister Amy Adams rejects calls for abortion reform 9 December 2016 Family First Comment: More good news – and more reasons that the Greens are unelectable… “The Greens are the only political party in New Zealand that backs comprehensive abortion reform. Other politicians are happy with current abortion law, among them Justice Minister Adams. “Abortion is a deeply personal issue and has…

Abortion Risks: A list of major physical complications related to abortion

Abortion Risks: A list of major physical complications related to abortion November 2016 Approximately 10% of women undergoing induced abortion suffer from immediate complications, of which one-fifth (2%) were considered major. [19] However the majority of complications take time to develop and will not be apparent for days, months or even years. Major risks and complications of abortion are described, with citations to the medical…

Abortion Risks: A list of major psychological complications related to abortion

Abortion Risks: A list of major psychological complications related to abortion November 2016 REQUIREMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT: A study of the medical records of 56,741 California medicaid patients revealed that women who had abortions were 160 percent more likely than delivering women to be hospitalized for psychiatric treatment in the first 90 days following abortion or delivery. Rates of psychiatric treatment remained significantly higher for…

3D interactive ‘embryo atlas’ gives never-before-seen detail of unborn baby

3D interactive ‘embryo atlas’ gives never-before-seen detail of unborn baby

LifeSiteNews 25 November 2016 Family First Comment: This is very cool – and is another ‘nail in the coffin’ of the pro-abortion movement. #ChooseLife #NotABlobOfTissue A team of Dutch embryologists has produced an unprecedented three-dimensional atlas demonstrating how the unborn child develops in the first eight weeks of life. “Everyone thinks we already know this,…

Abortion and Suicide

Abortion and Suicide November 2016 “Abortion increases the likelihood of suicide,” is the finding of research in the United States, Britain and Finland. After an abortion a woman has to deal with painful issues of grief and loss. Keeping the baby reduces the risks of suicide because the mother lives to care for her child. The Finland…