Abortion rate drops to lowest in 25 years

NZ Herald 19 June 2017
Family First Comment: Family First NZ spokeswoman Marina Young said she was one of those who had had an abortion and had come to regret it. She wanted the Government to provide “complete information” about abortion-related risks and independent pregnancy counselling so women can make a decision with certainty and knowledge. “I am one of those women, a statistic, who had an abortion and was deeply affected both emotionally and physically and I know I am not alone as I have come across many who have experienced the same, who’s stories are yet to be heard.” http://www.chooselife.org.nz

Abortions have dropped to the lowest rate in over 25 years.

The general abortion rate – abortions per 1000 women aged 15-44 – was 13.5 per 1000 women in 2016, down from 14.2 in 2015.

Statistics NZ reported that the abortion rates for younger women have fallen significantly in recent years whereas the rate has stayed the same for older women.

Women aged 20-24 have more abortions than any other age group, accounting for about 28 per cent of abortions in 2016.

Family First NZ spokeswoman Marina Young said she was one of those who had had an abortion and had come to regret it. She wanted the Government to provide “complete information” about abortion-related risks and independent pregnancy counselling so women can make a decision with certainty and knowledge.

“I am one of those women, a statistic, who had an abortion and was deeply affected both emotionally and physically and I know I am not alone as I have come across many who have experienced the same, who’s stories are yet to be heard.”
READ MORE: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11879064


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