HOW THEY VOTED: Who Voted to Protect the Unborn Child (2nd Reading)
3 March 2020
It was another dark and shameful day today as 81 members of Parliament voted for a radical bill that attempts to remove any legal recognition or protection of the unborn child, and introduces one of the most radical abortion laws in the world.
Below is the voting record. We are very very grateful for the 39 MPs who voted for the rights of the unborn child and the wellbeing of pregnant women. We have also highlighted the 15 MPs who moved from a yes vote in the 1st Reading to a NO vote in the 2nd Reading – a great move! Thank you.
The politicians now move to the Committee stage where there will be attempts to introduce amendments to try and ‘fix’ a flawed and dangerous bill (remember – they failed miserably to do this with the euthanasia bill!). NZ First will also be attempting to get a referendum on the issue. Watch how many MPs who wanted a referendum on euthanasia suddenly change their principles and vote against a referendum on this one. Why? Because they know that a referendum is not needed to get the abortion bill through. It was needed on the euthanasia one. And that sums up the ‘convenient’ principles of some politicians.
Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, Maggie Barry, Simon Bridges, Simeon Brown, Gerry Brownlee, Jacqui Dean, Sarah Dowie, Paulo Garcia, Paul Goldsmith, Nathan Guy, Joanne Hayes, Harete Hipango, Denise Lee, Melissa Lee, Agnes Loheni, Tim Macindoe, Todd McClay, Todd Muller, Alfred Ngaro, Simon O’Connor, Parmjeet Parmar, Christopher Penk, Maureen Pugh, Shane Reti, Alastair Scott, Nick Smith, Louise Upston, Michael Woodhouse, Jonathan Young, Lawrence Yule (30)
Damien O’Connor, Greg O’Connor, Anahila Kanongata’a-Suisuiki, Nanaia Mahuta, Adrian Rurawhe, Jenny Salesa, Jamie Strange, Rino Tirikatene, Meka Whaitiri (9)
(Total 39)
NATIONAL (25 of 55)
Amy Adams, Andrew Bayly, David Bennett, Paula Bennett, Dan Bidois, Chris Bishop, David Carter, Judith Collins, Matt Doocey, Andrew Falloon, Brett Hudson, Nikki Kaye, Matt King, Barbara Kuriger, Ian McKelvie, Mark Mitchell, Scott Simpson, Stuart Smith, Erica Stanford, Anne Tolley, Tim van de Molen, Nicky Wagner, Hamish Walker, Nicola Willis, Jian Yang (25)
LABOUR (37 of 46)
Kiri Allan, Virginia Andersen, Jacinda Ardern, David Clark, Tamati Coffey, Liz Craig, Clare Curran, Kelvin Davis, Ruth Dyson, Paul Eagle, Kris Faafoi, Peeni Henare, Chris Hipkins, Raymond Huo, Willie Jackson, Iain Lees-Galloway, Andrew Little, Marja Lubeck, Jo Luxton, Kieran McAnulty, Trevor Mallard, Stuart Nash, David Parker, Willow-Jean Prime, Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Grant Robertson, Deborah Russell, Carmel Sepuloni, Aupito William Sio, Jan Tinetti, Phil Twyford, Louisa Wall, Angie Warren-Clark, Duncan Webb, Poto Williams, Michael Wood, Megan Woods (37)
NZ FIRST (also want a Referendum)
Darroch Ball, Shane Jones, Jennifer Marcroft, Ron Mark, Tracey Martin, Clayton Mitchell, Mark Patterson, Winston Peters, Fletcher Tabuteau
Marama Davidson, Julie Anne Genter, Golriz Ghahraman, Gareth Hughes, Jan Logie, Eugenie Sage, James Shaw, Chloe Swarbrick
David Seymour
Jami-Lee Ross
(Total 81)