News & Media Releases

Pregnancy centre helps mums in time of need

Bay of Plenty Times 18 October 2015 When Shana Bainbridge found out she was pregnant with her seventh child, the love and support of Pregnancy Choice Centre volunteers helped ease the shock. Miss Bainbridge is one of the 420 women helped by the Pregnancy Choice centre since it opened its doors on October 16, 2013…
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Tauranga abortion clinic keeps licence

3News 2 October 2015 A Tauranga abortion clinic can continue providing medical abortions in early pregnancy, after a judge largely dismissed a legal challenge from Right to Life. The anti-abortion group went to the High Court in Wellington in June arguing the Abortion Supervisory Committee wrongly granted the Tauranga Family Planning Clinic a limited licence…
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Abortion Survivor Gives Powerful Testimony Before Congress

Most babies’ births are met with balloons and tiny embroidered socks, hugs and tears of joy. Not Gianna Jessen’s. During a congressional hearing Wednesday, Jessen, an abortion survivor, shared with members of Congress the heartbreaking story of her own birth — a story that began when her mother, a 19-year-old college student was advised by…
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Why parents should be told when their 15 year old has an abortion

NZ Doctor 3 September 2015 “One day my daughter didn’t come home on the bus.” Chilling for any parent. In this instance and without parental knowledge or consent, a mother’s 15-year-old daughter had been taken during school hours to another town for an abortion. This was only revealed to the family when the daughter attempted…
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Karl du Fresne: Our abortion laws encourage deceit

Stuff 4 September 2015 | OPINION: Mention abortion and a lot of people metaphorically block their ears and start humming loudly. At the very sight of the word in this column, some readers will probably turn the page and move on. But this is an issue that refuses to go away. It was re-ignited…
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Girl Exploited by Amnesty Int’l Names Baby “Miracle” 19 August 2015  The young mother named her baby “Milagros.” That is Spanish for Miracle. Amnesty International wanted the baby aborted. The brave girl in Paraguay was allegedly raped by her stepfather, and pregnant at 11 years old. Amnesty International used her case to demand Paraguay change its pro-life laws to allow an abortion. UN…
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Parliament considering petition on abortion law changes

‘She is still a child’ – Mum ‘vowing’ to change law around teenage abortion OneNewsNow 28 August 2015 A mother whose daughter’s school organised an abortion for the teenager without parental consent is petitioning parliament for a law change to prevent it happening again. Under New Zealand law a child can have an abortion organised…
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Mum pushes for abortion law change

‘She had to go through it alone’ – mum wants abortion law change NZ Herald 27 August 2015 A woman has told politicians the harrowing background to her daughter’s suicide attempt, in a bid to have abortion law changed. Hillary Kieft, of Stratford, appeared before the Justice and Electoral select committee and, with pauses to…
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