Doctors’ rights to object to abortion should be protected (Australia)

Doctors’ rights to object to abortion should be protected (Australia)

Sydney Morning Herald 4 August 2019 Family First Comment: “In short, to refer for abortion is not a passive step. It is to begin the process of procuring an abortion. Freedom of conscience demands that doctors who believe abortion ends the life of an unborn baby should not be compelled to begin the abortion process.” #freetobelieve…

Radical Abortion Law Reform Is Deeply Anti-Human Rights

Radical Abortion Law Reform Is Deeply Anti-Human Rights

Media Release 4 August 2019 Family First NZ is shocked and dismayed with the Government’s coming release tomorrow of attempts to radically liberalise abortion laws, and says it is deeply anti-human rights. “The focus of this proposed abortion policy shift is entirely on women having a right to an abortion, but completely ignores both the status of…

Recent Poll Reveals 95 Percent of Biologists Say Human Life Begins at Conception

Recent Poll Reveals 95 Percent of Biologists Say Human Life Begins at Conception

The New American 22 July 2019 Family First Comment: 95% of 5,500 biologists — with specialties ranging from anatomy, biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics, and physiology — believe that “a human’s life begins at fertilization”, even those who are “very pro-choice,” “very liberal,” and consider themselves to be “strong Democrats”. #biologymatters In writing his majority opinion in Roe…

Groups on both sides of abortion debate bring their messages to Parliament

Groups on both sides of abortion debate bring their messages to Parliament

TVNZ One News 23 July 2019 Family First Comment: “The whole nation needs to be doing some soul searching, MPs need to be doing some soul searching because it’s here they have the power to change things. We don’t want to see it changed, we don’t want to see it liberalised because women already have access…

Abortion Law Reform Deeply Flawed & Anti Human Rights

Abortion Law Reform Deeply Flawed & Anti Human Rights

Media Release 23 July 2019 Family First NZ is shocked and dismayed with the Government’s and the Prime Minister’s obsession with life and death issues, and its impending release of attempts to liberalise abortion laws, especially so soon after passionate debate on euthanasia. “It is disturbing to have this attack on humanity at both the…

Petition Fights For Human Rights Of Unborn Children

Petition Fights For Human Rights Of Unborn Children

Media Release 23 July 2019 A petition of more than 13,000 New Zealanders opposing the Government’s proposed liberalisation of abortion laws is being presented to Parliament today. The petition is home grown with virtually all of the signatories confirmed as living in New Zealand. The petition of Gina Sunderland and 13,268 others opposes any attempt…