Just Rubbish?

Just Rubbish?

A tiny growing baby lies in his mother’s womb, So cosy and so cared for, not knowing of his doom; He dances and he bounces, and he waves his tiny arms Not knowing that the future is planned to bring him harm. For Mum, she has decided he’s not needed in her heart, She’s planning…

Pharmacies fail to warn that emergency contraceptive pill is ‘increasingly ineffective’ for most women

Pharmacies fail to warn that emergency contraceptive pill is ‘increasingly ineffective’ for most women

Stuff co.nz 2 July 2017 Family First Comment: So does this mean that Family Planning having been giving yet more incomplete and harmful advice?! Interesting quote in the article though.. “I love, and adore, and idolise my daughter, and in hindsight, I am so glad the pill did not work, but I took the ECP…

GORDON COPELAND – Middle Ground Can Be Reached On Abortion

GORDON COPELAND – Middle Ground Can Be Reached On Abortion

Dominion Post 22 May 2017 Family First Comment: “It troubles me deeply when I hear that a young women’s baby has been aborted without her being given detailed information about the procedure, its consequences and the alternatives. That needs to change.” Yep. Abortion: The Middle Ground Back in the 1970’s, following the opening of an…