Hillary Clinton Defends Aborting Babies Through Full Term of Pregnancy in 3rd Presidential Debate

Hillary Clinton Defends Aborting Babies Through Full Term of Pregnancy in 3rd Presidential Debate

Christian Post 19 October 2016 Family First Comment: “I think it’s terrible. If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. Now, you can say that that’s OK…

United Nations new Secretary General Supports Family of One Woman and One Man and Right to Life of Unborn

United Nations new Secretary General Supports Family of One Woman and One Man and Right to Life of Unborn

Right to Life Media Release 18 October 2016 Family First Comment: A welcome improvement – especially considering who the other candidates were 🙂 Right to Life congratulates the General Assembly of the United Nations for appointing Antonio Guterres, on the 13 October, as the New Secretary General. His appointment gives cause for renewed hope that…

EXCELLENT – Queensland abortion bill rejected

EXCELLENT – Queensland abortion bill rejected

Queensland rejects bill to decriminalise abortion Stuff co.nz 30 August 2016 Family First Comment: Great decision. And NZ will do likewise. But it’s amusing reading the bias of the reporter. #chooselife #prowomen After 1400 submission, scores of expert appearances and public hearings, Queensland’s Parliamentary inquiry into abortion law reform has rejected a bill to decriminalise…