Father outraged son was prescribed antibiotics at school without parents’ knowledge

Father outraged son was prescribed antibiotics at school without parents’ knowledge

NewsTalk ZB 2 August 2016 Family First Comment: Dear Dad You are right to be outraged. But the politicians have already excluded parents from decisions around a daughter going on contraception or having an abortion. We’re glad that the Principal of this school believes you should have been consulted. So do we. A Bay of…

Poll Finds Americans Strongly Support Abortion Restrictions

Poll Finds Americans Strongly Support Abortion Restrictions

PRNewswire.com 25 July 2016 Family First Comment: Clinton has been unabashed in her support of abortion, recently promising Planned Parenthood that she would work to repeal the Hyde Amendment and increase tax dollars for abortion, and that GOP Vice Presidential nominee, Mike Pence would risk women’s health because of his pro-life views. However, based on…

Teen abortions: “I would be mortified if it was my child and I wasn’t told”- Toni Street

Teen abortions: “I would be mortified if it was my child and I wasn’t told”- Toni Street

TVNZ Seven Sharp 8 July 2016 Family First Comment: Toni is right on the money – support families first, but have provision for the small number of exceptional cases where parents are part of the problem. “Disappointed for Hillary Kieft this week. She’s the mum who’s fighting for it to be mandatory for parents to…

Parental Involvement and Consent for a Minor’s Abortion

Parental Involvement and Consent for a Minor’s Abortion

American College of Pediatricians May 2016 Family First Comment: Superb summary – and compulsory reading for politicians as they consider a change to the NZ law “Adolescents need the advice and involvement of their parents. As more is learned about the immaturity of the adolescent brain, especially in the development of the decision-making frontal lobes,…