News & Media Releases

Experiencing grief after abortion – but afraid to share

Women who experience post-abortion grief say it’s a pain often not recognised and a hard thing to talk about ABC News 10 July 2021 Family First Comment: Interesting coverage from mainstream media outlet in Australia! “Marie regrets having an abortion. Jessie doesn’t. But they both experienced grief. But those who do experience grief say the politics make…
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Amnesty International’s hypocrisy

Anonymous NZ group set up to combat racism praised by Amnesty International TVNZ One News 14 July 2021 Family First Comment: Oh how rich!! “Freedom of speech is not an absolute if it harms another person’s life” says Amnesty International regarding combatting racism. The same Amnesty International that says that abortion is an absolute right, and…
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March For Life Worldwide Promo 2021

BE PART OF A GROWING WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT FOR LIFE! Save the Date: Come and March For Life in Wellington on Saturday 4 December 2021 Organisers of New Zealand’s National March for Life are urging all people of good will throughout the country to save the date for the 2021 gathering in Wellington. Set aside Saturday…
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March for Life Promo 2021

New Zealand has one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. Unborn children in New Zealand don’t have the right to life. Countless women and families have been wounded physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We will not back down. Nor remain silent. For the voice of the voiceless must be heard… and seen. Join…
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US Supreme Court takes up major challenge to abortion rights

NewsHub 18 May 2021 Family First Comment: Superb! “In the Roe v. Wade decision, subsequently reaffirmed in 1992, the court said that states could not ban abortion before the viability of the fetus outside the womb, which is generally viewed by doctors as between 24 and 28 weeks. (yeah right!) The Mississippi law would ban abortion…
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Planned Parenthood disavows its founder (but not abortion)

BioEdge 25 April 2021 Family First Comment: Still a racist and dangerous organisation – irresepective of their new virtue signalling “Nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are located within walking distance of neighborhoods occupied predominantly by black and Hispanic residents. Despite constituting only 13 percent of the female population, black women represent more than one-third of…
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Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure

ReMix 15 April 2021 Family First Comment: What’s most interesting about this very very sad story is that we couldn’t find any mainstream media reporting of it – and definitely not on the ALRANZ website….. “radical pro-abortion supporter Maria de Valle Gonzalez Lopez died during what she labeled her “dream” abortion operation. She was 23 years…
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New Law Will Ignore Women With Post-Abortion Grief

Media Release 24 March 2021 Politicians will today vote for a new law which will allow employees to be eligible for three days of bereavement leave following the unplanned end of pregnancy by miscarriage or stillbirth. Sadly, politicians have rejected calls for the leave to be extended to allow support for women with post-abortion grief. “We…
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