Anti-abortion club not welcome at Auckland University

Anti-abortion club not welcome at Auckland University

NewsHub 29 August 2017 Auckland University students have voted to abolish an anti-abortion club from its student association. About 2700 students participated in a week-long online referendum, which asked whether the Auckland University Student’s Association (AUSA) should disaffiliate the ProLife Club. About 1600 students voted in favour of the motion. In a post on the…

Student club at Auckland University punished for exercising freedom of expression now seeking legal advice

Student club at Auckland University punished for exercising freedom of expression now seeking legal advice

Media Release: ProLife Auckland 29 August 2017 After a week long process of online voting, the Auckland University Students Association (AUSA) has provisionally declared that it will be punishing the Auckland University student club Prolife Auckland by disaffiliating them from the AUSA.  This means that Prolife Auckland has been punished for holding and peacefully expressing…

Muzzling Of Charities Now Extends To Auckland University

Muzzling Of Charities Now Extends To Auckland University

Media Release 29 August 2017 Family First NZ says that the Auckland University Students Association (AUSA) disaffiliating the student club Prolife Auckland from the AUSA is a disturbing continuation of attempts by both the State and now tertiary institutions to shut down free speech, debate and views. “As with the attempts to muzzle Family First’s…

‘He’s pretty special already’ says mum of first unborn Kiwi to undergo surgery for spina bifida

‘He’s pretty special already’ says mum of first unborn Kiwi to undergo surgery for spina bifida

TVNZ One News 14 February 2017 A woman whose unborn son was the first New Zealander to undergo surgery for spina bifida while still in the womb says he’s pretty special already. Catherine Harper and her husband faced a tough decision when doctors told them they were not happy with the unborn boy’s head and…

Life as a teen mum: ‘Incredibly tough’ but with ‘positive’ outcomes

Life as a teen mum: ‘Incredibly tough’ but with ‘positive’ outcomes

NZ Herald 23 August 2017 Family First Comment: An inspiring story of “choosing life” – despite the circumstances 🙂  Teen mums are a constant source of moral outrage, but rarely do we hear about the intricacies of their lives or how they cope. Kirsty Johnston reports. Kym was 15 when she found out she…

DISTURBING: Iceland close to becoming first country where no Down’s Syndrome children are born

DISTURBING: Iceland close to becoming first country where no Down’s Syndrome children are born

Independent 16 August 2017 Family First Comment: How disturbing! It’s not that “no Down’s Syndrome children are born”. It’s that “all Down’s Syndrome children are being killed”. Eugenics – plain and simple. #chooselife On average, just one or two children with Down’s syndrome are born in Iceland each year Iceland is close to becoming the…

Revealed: Hundreds of botched abortions at Marie Stopes clinics (UK)

Revealed: Hundreds of botched abortions at Marie Stopes clinics (UK)

The Christian Institute 15 August 2017 More than 350 botched abortions were carried out at Marie Stopes clinics in a period of just eight weeks, according to a health watchdog. A report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows that 373 of the abortions that took place between the months of January and February this…